Super Sweet Blogging Award!

super sweet blogging award

What a lovely surprise this morning when I found out Kim at Tranquil Dreams  nominated me for the Super Sweet Blogging Award!  THANK YOU, Kim!  How delicious to receive this award!

Here’s what Kim says about her blog: Life is about dreams and reaching for things that make you happy.  I love to learn about life and staying positive and I hope to keep a blog thats not only about the random things in life but also having a twist of how even when things aren’t too great, there’s always a positive side to it. You may see why someone who wants to live an abundantly delicious life might like her blog!  🙂

Here are the rules for the award:

  1. Thank the blogger that nominated you
  2. Answer the “super sweet” questions!
  3. Nominate a “baker’s dozen” and notify these awesome nominees!

Step one. Check.

Step two…Lets see these Super Sweet questions:

#1 Cookies or cake?

Cake! I don’t eat cake nearly as much as cookies so it’s a special treat. I especially love cakes baked by friends or family or a festive occasion.

#2 Chocolate or vanilla?

Absolutely chocolate (although vanilla is quite good, too; I couldn’t imagine baking without it!)!  Cake, ice-cream, candy…mmm!

#3 What is your favorite sweet treat, cheesecake or frozen yogourt?

Between those two, I’d pick frozen yoghert, especially a rich raspberry or chocolate (hmm, never had one with a mix of the two!)  My favorite sweet treat these days is Greek vanilla yoghert with home-made granola on top for a late afternoon snack.

#4 When do you crave sweet things the most?

My cravings have diminished over the years. I tend to eat sweets most as an after dinner treat.

#5 If you had a sweet nickname, what would it be?

Well, I always liked it when my dad called me pumpkin.  I guess that’s not very sweet unless you think of it as in pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread!

Step 2. Check.

Step 3…now some of my favorite blogs and my super sweet nominees (in no particular order):

  1. Waiting for the Karma Truck
  2. Call Me She Bear
  3. Jumping On Clouds
  4. The Perks of Having Cancer
  5. Misifusa’s Blog
  6. Lead.Learn.Live.
  7. Dogdaz
  8. Simple. Interesting.
  9. Flowers, Trees, and Other Such Gifts of Nature
  10. The Western Buddhist’s Travels
  11. Let Life In Practices
  12. What I see, What I Feel, What I’d Like to See
  13. Raising 5 Kids with Disabilities and Remaining Sane

Congrats to all the nominees! Thank you for your inspiration!

8 thoughts on “Super Sweet Blogging Award!

  1. Congratulations VIcky!! A well-deserved award for you..I find your posts inspiring and infectious with your joy and delight. It truly is abundantly delicious. Thank you too for nominating me. I’m really surprised and delighted that you would accord me a similar compliment. Hugs, m

  2. Vicki ~ Congratulations to you! This is a perfect award for you because you are super sweet! I love your poetry book that you sent me! Thank you!!
    I am honored that you would nominate me as well for the Super Sweet…thank you so very much! xo

  3. Pingback: 1.24.13 Thankful Thursday: First Award of 2013 « dogdaz

  4. Pingback: 1.24.13 Thankful Thursday: First Award of 2013 « dogdaz

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