Did you know?

Did you know that I continue to blog about life’s abundant deliciousness?

It’s just not here any more. I thought you might want to know that you can find me spreading joy and light and love here:

I post weekly, on a different day of the week, to most of these blogs. Maybe you want to visit to explore whether one touches and inspires you in some way.

May your days be abundantly delicious and filled with light and joy!

CB – Contentment

I attend to my breath when I need peace and contentment…I have learned so much about how to do this over the past 3 years…and still so much to learn!

This Abundantly Delicious Life


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I am grateful for what I have. I resist any urge to compare myself to others or judge myself based on other’s expectations. I have a mindset of abundance versus scarcity. I find peace in just BEing who I am and honoring her throughout the day. I realize contentment is accessible at any moment by moving within, breathing in deeply, and taking stock of all the blessings in my life including the people who touch my life and the opportunities I have to make a difference in the world.

To read about where my confidence building series originated, go HERE.

Graphic courtesy of www.verybestquotes.com

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CB – Joy

“I access joy in every moment” – clearly an intention. My reality is quite different. Nonetheless I remain committed to choosing joy…now…

This Abundantly Delicious Life


courtesy of www.nithyananda.org

I am deciding to be joy-full today, filled with gratitude for the richness in my life. I look within to find happiness and peace. I let my joy rise to the surface that it may be contagious. I know that finding joy is not something that happens because of certain circumstances but rather because I am brave enough to choose it regardless of the situation.

joy quote

To read about where my confidence building series originated, go HERE.

Photo courtesy of http://www.nithyananda.org

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CB – Opportunity

I open to opportunity and possibility…

This Abundantly Delicious Life


courtesy of www.businessenglishpod.com

When I experience resistance, fear, or anger, I look deep inside at the story that’s playing in my head – I check in on what I am making up that creates challenge and difficulty. Rather than default to my typical patterns of thought and action, formed over a lifetime of experiences and influences, I choose to make a small shift in my thinking and look for the opportunity in what is before me.

The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity.

The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.

~Winston Churchill


To read about where my confidence building series originated, go HERE.

Photo courtesy of http://www.businessenglishpod.com

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Confidence Building – Celebration

I accept and celebrate ‘what is’ without judgment or attachment…well, at least that’s my intention! 🙂

This Abundantly Delicious Life


courtesy of kut.org courtesy of kut.org

Today is for celebration! I celebrate who I am and what I create in the world. I celebrate the beautiful people who touch my life, the majestic beauty that I find all around me, the opportunities that open to me, the whisper of my dreams and the possibility that lies ahead.

To read about where my confidence building series originated, go HERE.

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Confidence Building – Discover

Amazing how the blogs of 3 years ago ring so true for today…

This Abundantly Delicious Life


courtesy of www.explorerdad.com courtesy of http://www.explorerdad.com

I move into this day – so ripe for discovery – with a sense of curiosity and adventure. I act courageously to try new things, leaning in to any fear that I find in myself. I am like a child filled with wonder and tune in to all there is for me to see and hear and touch today.

To read about where my confidence building series originated, go HERE.

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Confidence Building -Choice

Reconnecting with all that I am at choice about in my life…

This Abundantly Delicious Life


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I am at choice today, and I choose to open to the possibility that awaits, to flow with what comes my way, consciously responding in ways aligned with who I am and what I believe. I choose to be aware and awake to what I am creating today – and to chase my dreams with abandon.

To read about where my confidence building series originated, go HERE.

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Confidence Building – Intention

Intentions are so powerful. They ground me. They empower me. They help give my life purpose and meaning, every day. Little ones and big ones. This post is a reblog from a series I ran 3 years ago that connected me with my guiding principles.

CB_intentioncourtesy of aminddivided.com

I create my reality by setting clear intentions for my life. Clear intentions will lead to actions that are aligned with what is important to me. By focusing my energy on what’s possible, I move boldly in the direction of my dreams, in a way that  feels right.


To read about where my confidence building series originated, go HERE.

Originally posted on November 4th, 2014.

Image is courtesy of courtesy of aminddivided.com.

Confidence Building – Gratitude

This morning I felt like reconnecting with my Guiding Principles so I found myself back at this Confidence Building series. I smiled when I saw it was almost 3 years ago to the day that I initially created this…something about the shorter, darker, colder days that has me reaching for a little extra sustenance.

This Abundantly Delicious Life

I’ve decided to make November ‘Confidence Building’ month. I posted over at my Leading with Intention blog how I’ve been challenged recently with Sustaining Confidence. To support myself – and maybe you, too – I’m going to declare a word and mantra each day to move me toward greater integrity with myself and my Guiding Principles.


courtesy of www.positiveparentingconnection.net courtesy of http://www.positiveparentingconnection.net

I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, among them my family, my friends, my home, and my work. Today I appreciate who I am and what I can do with the body, mind and spirit that I am. By practicing gratitude, I am shifting my energy to bring what I want into my life.

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Beauty in motion

I’ve moved all that is abundantly delicious in my life over to my new blog And Then Opens Possibility…check it out…maybe you want to follow me over there? Here’s to being present in the moment and opening to possibility that is here now.

And Then Opens Possibility

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The sunlight streams through the window as she holds her pencil and looks into the distance. An 11-year old girl sits, quiet and contemplative at the dining room table. The paper in front of her receives her feelings and the ideas that flow through her. Each word a creation and the collection of them a story about what’s inside speaking to her.

Since I was a young girl, I’ve wanted to be a writer. In part inspired by my adopted grandfather Garber, who was an author, and consistently encouraged and affirmed my writing. I’ve had many opportunities to write through my education and work; however, only in the past dozen years have I found my way back to the girl at the table, opening my heart and allowing my experience, so rich with emotion, to melt into words.

I remember the day this book started, back in 2005, when I…

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