


Love radiates brilliantly in my life. I glow with the flame that burns within in, sparked by the deep love that fills my life. From before I was even conceived I have been blessed by deep and unwavering love, and my aim is to reflect it back into the world. My family, my friends, and the abundant opportunities in my life provide the foundation from which I am able to shine.


This blog and the rest through November are part of my Confidence Building series. (You might also be interested in my posts with my Guiding Principles and on Sustaining Confidence.)

* The photos featured in today’s blog and for the last week of November were all taken in San Agustinillo, Oaxaca, Mexico – a peaceful haven to which I return to year after year to celebrate life with my husband Jim.)

4 thoughts on “Radiate

  1. I like your affirming approach to this series, Vicki, speaking in the present tense, offering the greatest potential to support your confidence building. You do shine so brightly. The question I have his this: what happens when others attempt to dim your lights (undermine your confidence)… what can we do when that happens, as it inevitably will? Can we reach out to others to seek help in getting back on track, do we whack them with our confidence spotlight (woo hoo!) I personally struggle at the interface between a perfect world and reality. What are your thoughts?

    • Maureen, I love how I can always count on you for a provocative question! You get at the root of the series, really. My aim was to find a way to be really firm in my belief about my purpose for being…that if I have this kind of clarity, others won’t topple me over (they might tip me off kilter, for sure!). It’s a bit elusive – I think I’m clear and then I live in this messy ole world (reality), and gradually the fog comes in and I’m challenged to regroup.
      Sometimes it might feel like others are attempting to dim my lights; however, somewhere deep inside I know that’s just my perspective – whatever’s going on in our relationship is mostly about me for me and mostly about them for them. I agree that reaching out to others is a key to moving with confidence – oh, the times, you’ve been at my side whispering my strengths and leading me where I want to go.
      May reality soften into a world that you find perfect, my friend.

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