



I’ve been at it now for two weeks with my “Confidence Building” series. I’ve been intentionally focusing on my beliefs (Guiding Principles) that I might take little and small actions that are in greater alignment with them, with the hope that being in integrity with who I am and what I want to be creating in this world will sustain my confidence and give me the strength to move through personal and professional challenges. Coincidentally (or not!), what I read this morning in Rolf Gate’s Meditations from the Mat, spoke of Dharma, describing it as the actions you take to live your beliefs and the state and experience of being in harmony with one’s beliefs. Yes, I believe this is about Dharma!


My friend Maureen asked me about a week ago if this focus was abetting my sense of overwhelm and helping with my confidence. I wasn’t sure then. And, even now, it seems hit or miss – certainly not the answer to all that challenges me. Some days it feels like a strong support, other days my anger, frustration or fear are just deep enough it’s hard to take in the advice or perspective. It is helping me make more conscious and aligned choices more often so…

I’m continuing my intentional focus and leaning into Dharma.


Images courtesy of and

6 thoughts on “Focus

  1. Vicki, it has been a pleasure following (as ususal, I could add – since your ‘Mostly My Heart Sings’), but here specifically your ‘Confidence Building’ series actually fits nicely & timely with my current education ( presently at week 6 of 10) at the Coursera MOOC from Wharton Business School: ‘Better Leader – Richer Life’ by Professor Steve Friedman – a rather unique course, I have to say. When I joined, I more or less expected ‘yet another interesting Leadership Learning Event’ – just to help keep me up-to-speed. Only to soon discover this is actually ‘a psychology course’, well, sort of – with another 30.000+ classmates – and my major case study material – is myself :))
    All the best wishes for your continued journey…

  2. I love Thorben’s reply, how interesting. Wish I was in that MOOC! 🙂 Dharma… ah, I love it, vicki! I think you are finding your way, and just because the weather might be a bit foggy doesn’t mean that the sun and clarity won’t be there tomorrow. And when it is, you might look back and see that THIS was the moment of clarity. Living your beliefs – perhaps that is the insight to be gained for you from this process. Very cool.

    Just fyi, when my blog posts tomorrow, I want you to know it was written three days ago. 🙂 It’s going to sound a little familiar to you…

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