


Hope lives inside of me. I get up each day looking toward new possibilities. Not to be ‘be good’ or ‘do better’ but to surrender to the amazing person I am and what I might create with a deep appreciation of all that is abundant in me. I take small movements toward my dreams and with each little step find open doors and opportunities. I believe in the power of perspective and positive outlook. I choose to live into today with hope in my heart.


Images courtesy of www.thequotepedia.com and vi.sualize.us

4 thoughts on “Hope

    • Hey, well, I kinda got that idea – our very own Ginni Rometty says, “A leader’s job is to paint reality and give hope.” Thanks for celebrating the hope that I cultivate in myself and thus try to offer to others. There’s so much hunger for light and possibility – let’s point the way, my friend, my co-conspirator in making the world a greater place.

  1. This article and some others by you we wanted to bring our readers to consider. You can find also the same background used in our article: “There can only be hope when there is a will to be and say “I am”” (2014/12/06)

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